/** * User Web Sockets requests handler implementation * * @author Pierre Hubert */ import { BaseRequestsHandler } from "./BaseRequestsHandler"; import { ActiveClient, UserWebSocketController } from "../controllers/UserWebSocketController"; import { WsMessage } from "./WsMessage"; export class UserWebSocketRequestsHandler extends BaseRequestsHandler { private sentResponse = false; constructor(public wsClient: ActiveClient, private req: WsMessage) { super(); } public get isResponseSent() : boolean { return this.sentResponse; } protected get userID(): number { return this.wsClient.userID; } protected getPostParam(name: string) { return this.req.data[name]; } public hasPostParameter(name: string): boolean { return this.req.data.hasOwnProperty(name) && this.req.data[name] != null && this.req.data[name] != undefined; } public error(code: number, message: string): void { this.sendResponse("error", { code: code, message: message }); throw new Error("User WS error ("+code+"): "+message); } public success(message: string): void { this.sendResponse("success", message); } public send(data: any): void { this.sendResponse("success", data); } public sendResponse(title: string, data: any) { if(this.sentResponse) throw new Error("Trying to send a response to a request to which a response has already been sent!") // Send the response UserWebSocketController.Send(this.wsClient.userID, this.wsClient.socketID, new WsMessage({ title: title, data: data, id: this.req.id })) this.sentResponse = true; } }