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import { RequestHandler } from "../entities/RequestHandler";
import { UserHelper } from "../helpers/UserHelper";
import { PostsHelper } from "../helpers/PostsHelper";
import { Post, PostVisibilityLevel, PostKind, PostAccessLevel, PostPageKind, PostFile, PostLink } from "../entities/Post";
import { MoviesController } from "./MoviesController";
import { MoviesHelper } from "../helpers/MoviesHelper";
import { SurveyHelper } from "../helpers/SurveyHelper";
import { SurveyController } from "./SurveyController";
import { LikesHelper, LikesType } from "../helpers/LikesHelper";
import { CommentsHelper } from "../helpers/CommentsHelper";
import { CommentsController } from "./CommentsController";
import { GroupsAccessLevel } from "../entities/Group";
import { GroupsHelper } from "../helpers/GroupsHelper";
import { time } from "../utils/DateUtils";
import { findKey } from "../utils/ArrayUtils";
import { check_string_before_insert, check_youtube_id, checkURL } from "../utils/StringUtils";
import { pathUserData } from "../utils/UserDataUtils";
import { statSync } from "fs";
import { lookup } from "mime-types";
import { NewSurvey } from "../entities/NewSurvey";
import { FriendsHelper } from "../helpers/FriendsHelper";
import { NotifEventType } from "../entities/Notification";
import { NotificationsHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationsHelper";
* Posts controller
* @author Pierre HUBERT
ACCESS_LEVELS_API[PostAccessLevel.NO_ACCESS] = "no-access";
ACCESS_LEVELS_API[PostAccessLevel.BASIC_ACCESS] = "basic";
ACCESS_LEVELS_API[PostAccessLevel.INTERMEDIATE_ACCESS] = "intermediate";
ACCESS_LEVELS_API[PostAccessLevel.FULL_ACCESS] = "full";
export class PostsController {
* Get the posts of a user
* @param h Request handler
public static async GetListUser(h: RequestHandler) {
const userID = await h.postUserId("userID");
const startFrom = h.postInt("startFrom", 0);
if(!await UserHelper.CanSeeUserPage(h.optionnalUserID, userID))
h.error(401, "You are not allowed to access this user posts !");
const posts = await PostsHelper.GetUserPosts(h.optionnalUserID, userID, startFrom);
await this.SendMultiplePosts(h, posts);
* Get the list of posts of a group
* @param h Request handler
public static async GetListGroup(h: RequestHandler) {
const groupID = await h.postGroupIDWithAccess("groupID", GroupsAccessLevel.VIEW_ACCESS);
const startFrom = h.postInt("startFrom", 0);
const posts = await PostsHelper.GetGroupPosts(h.optionnalUserID, groupID, startFrom);
await this.SendMultiplePosts(h, posts);
* Get the list of latest posts
* @param h Request handler
public static async GetLatest(h: RequestHandler) {
const startFrom = h.postInt("startFrom", 0);
const includeGroups = h.postBool('include_groups', false);
const posts = await PostsHelper.GetLatest(h.getUserId(), startFrom, 10, includeGroups);
await this.SendMultiplePosts(h, posts);
* Get information about a single post
* @param h Request handler
public static async GetSingle(h: RequestHandler) {
const postID = await h.postPostIDWithAccess("postID");
const post = await PostsHelper.GetSingle(postID);
h.send(await this.PostToAPI(h, post));
* Create a new post
* @param h Request handler
public static async CreatePost(h: RequestHandler) {
// Determine the target for the new post
let kindPage: PostPageKind;
let pageID: number;
let survey : NewSurvey | undefined = undefined;
switch(h.postString("kind-page")) {
// If the post is targetting a user
case "user":
kindPage = PostPageKind.PAGE_KIND_USER;
pageID = await h.postUserId("kind-id");
if(!await UserHelper.CanCreatePosts(h.getUserId(), pageID))
h.error(401, "You are not allowed to create posts on this page!");
// For groups
case "group":
kindPage = PostPageKind.PAGE_KIND_GROUP;
pageID = await h.postGroupIDWithAccess("kind-id", GroupsAccessLevel.MEMBER_ACCESS);
// Check if the user can create posts on this group
if(!await GroupsHelper.CanUserCreatePosts(pageID, h.getUserId()))
h.error(401, "You are not allowed to create posts on this group!");
h.error(500, "Unsupported kind of page!");
// Initialize new post information
const newPost = new Post({
// Basic information about the post
id: -1,
userID: h.getUserId(),
timeCreate: time(),
kind: <PostKind>h.postString("kind"),
content: h.postContent("content", 0),
visibilityLevel: this.PostVisibilityLevel(h, "visibility"),
// Post target
kindPage: kindPage,
pageID: pageID,
// Process each kind of post
switch(newPost.kind) {
// Text posts
case PostKind.POST_KIND_TEXT:
// Check the string
h.error(400, "Specified post content is invalid!");
// Image posts
case PostKind.POST_KIND_IMAGE:
h.error(400, "An error occured while receiving the image!");
// Save image
const path = await h.savePostImage("image", "imgpost", 2000, 2000);
newPost.file = new PostFile({
path: path,
type: <string>lookup(pathUserData(path, true)),
size: statSync(pathUserData(path, true)).size
// YouTube posts
const youtubeID = h.postString("youtube_id");
h.error(400, "Invalid YouTube ID!");
newPost.file = new PostFile({
path: youtubeID,
size: 0,
type: "youtube"
// Personnal movies posts
case PostKind.POST_KIND_MOVIE:
const movieID = h.postInt("movieID");
if(!await MoviesHelper.DoesUserHas(h.getUserId(), movieID))
h.error(401, "You are not authorized to use this movie!");
newPost.movieID = movieID;
// Web links posts
const url = h.postURL("url");
// For now, for safety, we do not fetch page content
newPost.link = new PostLink({
url: url,
title: undefined,
description: undefined,
image: undefined
// PDF posts
case PostKind.POST_KIND_PDF:
h.error(401, "Missing PDF in 'pdf'!");
const pdf_path = await h.savePostFile("pdf", "post_pdf", "pdf", "application/pdf");
newPost.file = new PostFile({
path: pdf_path,
type: <string>lookup(pathUserData(pdf_path, true)),
size: statSync(pathUserData(pdf_path, true)).size
// Countdown timers
newPost.timeEnd = h.postInt("time-end");
// Survey controller
// Create the survey
survey = new NewSurvey({
question: h.postString("question"),
userID: h.getUserId(),
choices: h.postString("answers").split("<>")
if(survey.choices.length < 2)
h.error(401, "Survey must have at least two answers!");
h.error(500, "Unsupported kind of post!");
// Create the post
const postID = await PostsHelper.Create(newPost);
// Create associated survey (if any)
if(survey != undefined) {
survey.postID = postID;
// Create a notification
await NotificationsHelper.CreatePostNotification(
h.getUserId(), postID, NotifEventType.ELEM_CREATED);
success: "The post has been created!",
postID: postID
* Change the visiblity level of a post
* @param h Request handler
public static async SetVisibilityLevel(h: RequestHandler) {
const postID = await h.postPostIDWithAccess("postID", PostAccessLevel.FULL_ACCESS);
const newVisibility = this.PostVisibilityLevel(h, "new_level");
await PostsHelper.SetLevel(postID, newVisibility);
// Depending on new level, delete (or not) notifications about the post
if(newVisibility == PostVisibilityLevel.VISIBILITY_USER)
await NotificationsHelper.DeleteAllRelatedWithPost(postID);
* Update the content of a post
* @param h Request handler
public static async UpdateContent(h: RequestHandler) {
const postID = await h.postPostIDWithAccess("postID", PostAccessLevel.FULL_ACCESS);
const content = h.postContent("new_content");
h.error(401, "Given content is invalid!");
await PostsHelper.SetContent(postID, content);
// Delete notifications targetting current user about the post
await NotificationsHelper.DeleteAllPostsNotificationsTargetingUser(h.getUserId(), postID);
* Delete a post
* @param h Request handler
public static async DeletePost(h: RequestHandler) {
const postID = await h.postPostIDWithAccess("postID", PostAccessLevel.INTERMEDIATE_ACCESS);
await PostsHelper.Delete(postID);
* Get the lists of targets where the current user can create posts
* @param h Request handler
public static async GetTargets(h: RequestHandler) {
const friends = await FriendsHelper.GetListThatAllowsPostsFromUser(h.getUserId());
const groups = await GroupsHelper.GetListUserWhereCanCreatePosts(h.getUserId());
friends: friends,
groups: groups
* Send multiple posts to the API
* @param h Request handler
* @param posts The list of post to send
private static async SendMultiplePosts(h: RequestHandler, posts: Array<Post>) {
let list = [];
for (const p of posts) {
list.push(await this.PostToAPI(h, p));
* Turn a post object into an API entry
* @param h Request handler
* @param p The post
public static async PostToAPI(h: RequestHandler, p: Post) : Promise<any> {
let data : any = {
ID: p.id,
userID: p.userID,
user_page_id: p.userPageID,
group_id: p.groupID,
post_time: p.timeCreate,
content: p.hasContent ? p.content : null,
visibility_level: VISIBILITY_LEVELS_API[p.visibilityLevel],
kind: p.kind,
// File specific
file_size: !p.hasFile ? null : p.file.size,
file_type: !p.hasFile ? null : p.file.type,
file_path: !p.hasFile ? null : p.file.path,
file_path_url: !p.hasFile ? null : p.file.url,
// Movie specific
video_id: p.hasMovie ? p.movieID : null,
video_info: p.hasMovie ?
MoviesController.MovieToAPI(await MoviesHelper.GetInfo(p.movieID)) : null,
// Countdown timer specific
time_end: p.hasTimeEnd ? p.timeEnd : null,
// Weblink specific
link_url: !p.hasLink ? null : p.link.url,
link_title: !p.hasLink ? null : p.link.title,
link_description: !p.hasLink ? null : p.link.description,
link_image: !p.hasLink ? null : p.link.image,
// Survey specific
data_survey: !p.hasSurvey ? null : await SurveyController.SurveyToAPI(h, await SurveyHelper.GetInfo(p.id)),
// Likes information
likes: await LikesHelper.Count(p.id, LikesType.POST),
userlike: h.signedIn ? await LikesHelper.IsLiking(h.getUserId(), p.id, LikesType.POST) : false,
// Determine user access level
user_access: ACCESS_LEVELS_API[await PostsHelper.GetAccessLevel(h.optionnalUserID, p)],
// Load comments (if possible)
comments: await PostsHelper.AllowCommentsOnPost(p) ? await CommentsController.CommentsToAPI(h, await CommentsHelper.Get(p.id)) : null,
return data;
* Get the visibility level for a POST included in a request
* @param h Request handler
* @param name The name of the POST field containing the visibility level of the user
private static PostVisibilityLevel(h: RequestHandler, name: string) : PostVisibilityLevel {
const levelKey = findKey(VISIBILITY_LEVELS_API, h.postString(name, 3));
if(levelKey == null)
h.error(400, "Post visibility level level not recognized!");
return <PostVisibilityLevel>Number(levelKey);
} |