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import { DatabaseHelper } from "./DatabaseHelper";
import { Notif, NotifElemType, NotifEventVisibility, NotifEventType } from "../entities/Notification";
import { time } from "../utils/DateUtils";
import { PostsHelper } from "./PostsHelper";
import { PostPageKind, PostVisibilityLevel } from "../entities/Post";
import { FriendsHelper } from "./FriendsHelper";
import { GroupsHelper } from "./GroupsHelper";
import { GroupMembershipLevels } from "../entities/GroupMember";
import { EventsHelper } from "./EventsHelper";
* Notifications helper
* @author Pierre HUBERT
const NOTIFICATIONS_TABLE = "comunic_notifications";
export class NotificationsHelper {
* Create a notification about a post
* @param fromUser Source user ID
* @param postID Target post ID
* @param action Action to notify
public static async CreatePostNotification(fromUser: number, postID: number, action: NotifEventType) {
await this.Push(new Notif({
timeCreate: time(),
fromUserID: fromUser,
onElemID: postID,
onElemType: NotifElemType.POST,
type: action
* Create & push friendship request notification
* @param fromUser Source user ID
* @param destUser Destination user ID
* @param action The kind of action
public static async CreateFriendsNotifications(fromUser: number, destUser: number, action: NotifEventType) {
await this.DeleteNotificationsFrienshipRequest(fromUser, destUser);
// Push the notification
await this.Push(new Notif({
fromUserID: fromUser,
destUserID: destUser,
onElemID: fromUser, // Same as fromUser
onElemType: NotifElemType.FRIENDSHIP_REQUEST,
type: action
* Create & push a group membership notification
* @param userID The ID of the target user for the membership
* @param moderatorID The ID of the moderator creating the notification (0 if it is the user)
* @param groupID The ID of the target group
* @param kind The kind of notification to create
public static async CreateGroupMembershipNotification(userID: number, moderatorID: number, groupID: number, kind: NotifEventType) {
await this.DeleteNotificationsGroupsMembership(userID, groupID);
const n = new Notif({
onElemID: groupID,
onElemType: NotifElemType.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP,
type: kind
// The notification must be sent to all the moderators of the group
if(moderatorID < 1) {
n.fromUserID = userID;
n.destUserID = -1;
// We specify both the source and the destination of the notification
// not to broadcast the notification to all the group members
else {
n.fromUserID = moderatorID;
n.destUserID = userID;
await this.Push(n);
* Push a new notification
* @param n Notification to push
public static async Push(n: Notif) {
n.timeCreate = time();
// Determine the visibility level of the notification
if(n.onElemType == NotifElemType.POST) {
const post = await PostsHelper.GetSingle(n.onElemID);
// Determine post container
switch(post.kindPage) {
case PostPageKind.PAGE_KIND_USER:
n.fromContainerType = NotifElemType.USER_PAGE
n.fromContainerID = post.userPageID
case PostPageKind.PAGE_KIND_GROUP:
n.fromContainerType = NotifElemType.GROUP_PAGE
n.fromContainerID = post.groupID
throw new Error("Unsupported page kind: " + post.kindPage)
// Check the scope of the notification
// Private post (on user pages)
if(post.visibilityLevel == PostVisibilityLevel.VISIBILITY_USER) {
// Check if the user does not own the post
if(post.userID == post.userPageID)
// If the personn who posted that is not the owner of the page
else if(post.userPageID != n.fromUserID)
n.destUserID = post.userPageID
// If the user is the one who own the page
n.destUserID = post.userID
await this.PushPrivate(n)
// Posts on users page
else if(n.fromContainerType == NotifElemType.USER_PAGE) {
// Process friends list of the user creating the notification
const friendsList = await FriendsHelper.GetList(n.fromUserID);
const targetUsers = [];
for(const friend of friendsList) {
if(friend.friendID != n.fromContainerID &&
post.userPageID != n.fromUserID && // Skip friendship check if user
// creating the notification
// & target page are the same
!await FriendsHelper.AreFriend(friend.friendID, post.userPageID))
// Check if the user is following his friend
if(!await FriendsHelper.IsFollowing(friend.friendID, n.fromUserID))
await this.PushPublic(n, targetUsers);
// For posts on grou pages
else if(n.fromContainerType == NotifElemType.GROUP_PAGE) {
await this.PushGroupMembers(n, n.fromContainerID)
// Mark the scenario as unsupported
else {
throw new Error("Post notification scenario not supported!")
// Frienship notifications
else if(n.onElemType == NotifElemType.FRIENDSHIP_REQUEST) {
n.fromContainerID = 0
n.fromContainerType = NotifElemType.EMPTY;
await this.PushPrivate(n);
// Groups membership notifications
else if (n.onElemType == NotifElemType.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP) {
// Complete the notification
n.fromContainerType = NotifElemType.EMPTY;
n.fromContainerID = 0;
// Check whether the notification has to be pushed to a single user
// or to all the moderators of the group
if(n.hasDestUserID) {
//Push the notification in private way (if it has a destination,
//generally the target user of the membership request)
await this.PushPrivate(n);
else {
// Push the notification to all the moderators of the group
await this.PushGroupModerators(n, n.onElemID);
// Unsupported notification type
else {
throw new Error("Type of notification not supported!")
* Push a notification to all the members of a group
* @param n The notification to push
* @param groupID Target group ID
private static async PushGroupMembers(n: Notif, groupID: number) {
let list = await GroupsHelper.GetListFollowers(groupID);
// Remove the user at the source of the notification
list = list.filter((v) => v != n.fromUserID);
await this.PushPublic(n, list);
* Push a notification to all the moderators & administrators of a group
* @param n The notification to push
* @param groupID Target group ID
private static async PushGroupModerators(n: Notif, groupID: number) {
let list = await GroupsHelper.GetListMembers(groupID);
// Remove all the users who are not moderators or administrators
list = list.filter((v) => v.level <= GroupMembershipLevels.MODERATOR);
const ids = list.map((v) => v.userID);
await this.PushPublic(n, ids);
* Push a notification to multiple users
* @param n The notification to push
* @param users The list of target users
private static async PushPublic(n: Notif, users: Array<number>) {
n.eventVisibility = NotifEventVisibility.EVENT_PUBLIC
for(const userID of users) {
n.destUserID = userID;
if(await this.SimilarExists(n))
await this.Create(n);
* Push a private notification
* @param n The notification
private static async PushPrivate(n: Notif) {
n.eventVisibility = NotifEventVisibility.EVENT_PRIVATE
if(await this.SimilarExists(n))
await this.Create(n)
* Check out whether a similar notification exists
* for a given notification
* @param n The notification
public static async SimilarExists(n: Notif) : Promise<boolean> {
return await DatabaseHelper.Count({
where: this.NotifToDB(n, false)
}) > 0;
* Create the notification
* @param n The notification
private static async Create(n: Notif) {
await DatabaseHelper.InsertRow(
this.NotifToDB(n, true)
// Trigger notify system
await EventsHelper.Emit("updated_number_notifications", {usersID: [n.destUserID]});
* Delete notifications
* @param n Notification
public static async Delete(n: Notif) {
// Delete a specific notification
const cond = n.hasId ? {id: n.id} : this.NotifToDB(n, false);
// Check for affected users
const users = new Set<number>();
(await DatabaseHelper.Query({
where: cond,
fields: ["dest_user_id"]
})).forEach((row) => users.add(row.dest_user_id))
// Delete notifications
await DatabaseHelper.DeleteRows(NOTIFICATIONS_TABLE, cond);
// Trigger notifications system
await EventsHelper.Emit("updated_number_notifications", {usersID: [...users]});
* Delete all the notifications of a given user
* @param userID Target user ID
public static async DeleteAllUser(userID: number) {
await this.Delete(new Notif({
destUserID: userID
* Delete all the notifications related with a group
* @param groupID Target group ID
public static async DeleteAllRelatedWithGroup(groupID: number) {
const n = new Notif({
onElemType: NotifElemType.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP,
onElemID: groupID
await this.Delete(n);
n.onElemType = NotifElemType.GROUP_PAGE;
await this.Delete(n);
* Delete all the notifications related with a specified user
* @param userID Target user ID
public static async DeleteAllRelatedWithUser(userID: number) {
// Delete all the notifications targetting the user
await this.DeleteAllUser(userID);
// Delete all the notifications created by the user
await this.Delete(new Notif({
fromUserID: userID
* Delete all the notifications about a post targetting a specified
* user
* @param userID Target user ID
* @param postID Target post ID
public static async DeleteAllPostsNotificationsTargetingUser(userID: number, postID: number) {
await this.Delete(new Notif({
destUserID: userID,
onElemType: NotifElemType.POST,
onElemID: postID
* Delete all the notification related with a post
* @param postID Target post id
public static async DeleteAllRelatedWithPost(postID: number) {
await this.Delete(new Notif({
onElemType: NotifElemType.POST,
onElemID: postID
* Delete all the notifications related to a friendship request between two users
* @param userOne First user
* @param userTwo Second user
public static async DeleteNotificationsFrienshipRequest(userOne: number, userTwo: number) {
// Delete notifications in two ways
await this.Delete(new Notif({
onElemType: NotifElemType.FRIENDSHIP_REQUEST,
destUserID: userOne,
fromUserID: userTwo,
await this.Delete(new Notif({
onElemType: NotifElemType.FRIENDSHIP_REQUEST,
destUserID: userTwo,
fromUserID: userOne,
* Delete all the notifications related to a specific group membership
* @param userID Target user
* @param groupID The ID of the target group
public static async DeleteNotificationsGroupsMembership(userID: number, groupID: number) {
const n = new Notif({
onElemType: NotifElemType.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP,
onElemID: groupID
n.destUserID = userID;
n.fromUserID = -1;
await this.Delete(n);
n.destUserID = -1;
n.fromUserID = userID;
await this.Delete(n);
* Count the number of unread notifications of a user
* @param userID Target user ID
public static async CountUnread(userID: number) : Promise<number> {
return await DatabaseHelper.Count({
where: {
dest_user_id: userID,
seen: 0
* Get the list of unread notifications of a user
* @param userID Target user ID
public static async GetListUnread(userID: number) : Promise<Array<Notif>> {
const list = await DatabaseHelper.Query({
where: {
dest_user_id: userID,
seen: 0
order: "id DESC"
return list.map((e) => this.DBToNotif(e));
* Get information about a single notification
* @param notifID Target notification id
public static async GetSingle(notifID: number) : Promise<Notif> {
const row = await DatabaseHelper.QueryRow({
where: {
id: notifID
if(row == null)
throw new Error("Could not find notification !");
return this.DBToNotif(row);
* Turn a notification into a database entry
* @param n The notification
* @param allInfo True to return a full notification entry
private static NotifToDB(n: Notif, allInfo = true) : any {
let data: any = {}
if(n.hasId) data.id = n.id
if(n.hasSeen) data.seen = n.seen ? 1 : 0
if(n.hasFromUserID) data.from_user_id = n.fromUserID
if(n.hasDestUserID) data.dest_user_id = n.destUserID
if(n.hasType) data.type = n.type
if(n.hasOnElemID) data.on_elem_id = n.onElemID
if(n.hasOnElemType) data.on_elem_type = n.onElemType
if(allInfo) {
data.from_container_id = n.fromContainerID
data.from_container_type = n.fromContainerType
data.time_create = n.timeCreate
data.visibility = n.eventVisibility
return data;
* Database entry to notification
* @param row Database entry
private static DBToNotif(row: any) : Notif {
return new Notif({
id: row.id,
seen: row.seen == 1,
timeCreate: row.time_create,
fromUserID: row.from_user_id,
destUserID: row.dest_user_id,
onElemID: row.on_elem_id,
onElemType: row.on_elem_type,
type: row.type,
eventVisibility: row.visibility,
fromContainerID: row.from_container_id,
fromContainerType: row.from_container_type
} |