use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str; use crate::api_data::account_export_api::AccountExportAPI; use crate::api_data::current_user_id::CurrentUserID; use crate::api_data::login_success::LoginSuccess; use crate::api_data::res_check_email_exists::ResCheckEmailExists; use crate::api_data::res_check_security_answers::ResCheckSecurityAnswers; use crate::api_data::res_check_security_questions_exists::ResCheckSecurityQuestionsExists; use crate::api_data::res_get_security_questions::ResGetSecurityQuestions; use crate::constants::PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_LENGTH; use crate::controllers::routes::RequestResult; use crate::data::error::ResultBoxError; use crate::data::http_request_handler::HttpRequestHandler; use crate::data::new_account::NewAccount; use crate::data::user::{User, UserID}; use crate::helpers::{account_helper, user_helper}; /// Account controller /// /// @author Pierre Hubert impl HttpRequestHandler { /// Get information about a user based on its email address specified in the request pub fn post_user_info_from_email(&mut self, field: &str) -> ResultBoxError { let email = self.post_email(field)?; self.ok_or_not_found( user_helper::find_user_by_email(&email), format!("Requested user in '{}' not found!", email).as_str(), ) } /// Get the ID of the user associated with a password reset token pub fn post_user_id_from_password_reset_token(&mut self, field: &str) -> ResultBoxError { let token = self.post_string_opt(field, PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_LENGTH, true)?; let user_id = self.ok_or_forbidden( account_helper::get_user_id_from_password_reset_token(&token), "Invalid password reset token!", )?; Ok(user_id) } } /// Create a new account pub fn create(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { // TODO : limit request // Get & check email let email = r.post_email("emailAddress")?; if account_helper::exists_mail(&email)? { r.conflict("This email address already belongs to an account!".to_string())?; } let new_account = NewAccount { first_name: r.post_content("firstName", 3, true)?, last_name: r.post_content("lastName", 3, true)?, email, password: r.post_string_opt("password", 3, true)?, }; account_helper::create(&new_account)?; // TODO : limit request r.success("Account created!") } /// Sign in user pub fn login_user(request: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let email = request.post_email("userMail")?; let password = request.post_string_opt("userPassword", 3, true)?; // TODO : limit request // Authenticate user let token = account_helper::login_user( &email, &password, request.api_client()); match token { Ok(t) => { request.set_response(LoginSuccess::new(&t)) } Err(e) => { // TODO : limit request println!("Error on login: {}", e); request.forbidden("Invalid email address / password!".to_string()) } } } /// Sign out user pub fn logout_user(request: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { account_helper::destroy_login_tokens( &request.user_id()?, request.api_client(), )?; request.success("User disconnected.") } /// Disconnect a user from all his devices pub fn disconnect_all_devices(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { account_helper::destroy_all_user_tokens(r.user_id_ref()?)?; r.success("Successfully disconnected!") } /// Get current user ID pub fn user_id(request: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { request.set_response(CurrentUserID::new(&request.user_id()?)) } /// Check out whether an email address exists or not pub fn exists_mail(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let email = r.post_email("email")?; r.set_response(ResCheckEmailExists::new(account_helper::exists_mail(&email)?)) } /// Check out whether a given user has set security questions or not pub fn has_security_questions(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let user = r.post_user_info_from_email("email")?; r.set_response(ResCheckSecurityQuestionsExists::new(user.has_security_questions())) } /// Get the security questions of a user pub fn get_security_questions(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let user = r.post_user_info_from_email("email")?; if !user.has_security_questions() { r.forbidden("Specified user has not defined security questions!".to_string())?; } r.set_response(ResGetSecurityQuestions::new(&user)) } /// Check the security answers given by a user to reset a password pub fn check_security_answers(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let user = r.post_user_info_from_email("email")?; if !user.has_security_questions() { r.forbidden("Specified user has not setup security questions !".to_string())?; } let answers: Vec = r.post_string_opt("answers", 3, true)? .split("&") .map(|s| percent_decode_str(s).decode_utf8_lossy().to_lowercase().trim().to_string()) .collect::>(); if answers.len() != 2 { r.forbidden("Please specify two answers!".to_string())?; } if answers[0] != user.security_answer_1.unwrap().to_lowercase().trim() || answers[1] != user.security_answer_2.unwrap().to_lowercase().trim() { r.forbidden("Invalid security answers!".to_string())?; } let token = account_helper::generate_password_reset_token(&; r.set_response(ResCheckSecurityAnswers::new(token)) } /// Check the validity of a password reset token pub fn check_password_reset_token(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { r.post_user_id_from_password_reset_token("token")?; r.success("The token is valid") } /// Reset user password pub fn reset_user_password(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { let user_id = r.post_user_id_from_password_reset_token("token")?; let new_password = r.post_string_opt("password", 3, true)?; account_helper::change_password(&user_id, &new_password)?; account_helper::destroy_password_reset_token_for_user(&user_id)?; r.success("Password changed!") } /// Export account's data pub fn export_data(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { r.need_user_password("password")?; let data = account_helper::export(r.user_id_ref()?)?; r.set_response(AccountExportAPI::new(&data)?) } /// Delete an account pub fn delete_account(r: &mut HttpRequestHandler) -> RequestResult { r.need_user_password("password")?; if r.user_id()?.id() < 2 { // I do not want anybody delete my account... r.forbidden("You shall not delete MY account (whoever you are, please note that hacking is bad !!!)".to_string())?; } account_helper::delete(r.user_id_ref()?)?; r.success("Account deleted.") }