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412 lines
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use std::collections;
use std::error::Error;
use std::ops::Add;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use mysql::{Binary, Pool, ResultSet, Value};
use mysql::prelude::Queryable;
use crate::data::config::DatabaseConfig;
use crate::data::error::{ExecError, ResultBoxError};
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// Database access helper
/// @author Pierre Hubert
pub type ProcessRowResult<E> = Result<E, Box<dyn Error>>;
// Pool shared across threads
static mut POOL: Option<Arc<Mutex<mysql::Pool>>> = None;
/// Connect to the database
pub fn connect(conf: &DatabaseConfig) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let url = format!(
conf.username, conf.password, conf.host, conf.name
let pool = Pool::new(url)?;
let pool = Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new(pool)));
unsafe {
POOL = pool;
/// Get a connection to the database
pub fn get_connection() -> Result<mysql::PooledConn, Box<dyn Error>> {
let pool: Pool;
unsafe {
let guard = POOL.as_ref().unwrap().lock();
pool = guard.unwrap().clone()
pub struct QueryInfo {
/// Fetched table
pub table: String,
/// Query limits
pub conditions: collections::HashMap<String, String>,
/// Limit of the query (0 = no limit)
pub limit: u64,
/// Queried arguments
/// If this attribute is empty, all the columns of the table set are fetched
pub fields: Vec<String>,
impl QueryInfo {
/// Initialize a new query on the database
pub fn new(table: &str) -> QueryInfo {
QueryInfo {
table: table.to_string(),
conditions: collections::HashMap::new(),
limit: 0,
fields: Vec::new(),
pub fn cond(mut self, key: &str, val: &str) -> QueryInfo {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), val.to_string());
pub fn cond_u32(mut self, key: &str, val: u32) -> QueryInfo {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), val.to_string());
pub fn cond_u64(mut self, key: &str, val: u64) -> QueryInfo {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), val.to_string());
pub fn cond_i64(mut self, key: &str, val: i64) -> QueryInfo {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), val.to_string());
/// Append a field to the list of selected fields
pub fn add_field(mut self, key: &str) -> QueryInfo {
/// Execute query
pub fn exec<E, F: Fn(&RowResult) -> ProcessRowResult<E>>(self, process_function: F)
-> Result<Vec<E>, Box<dyn Error>> {
query(self, process_function)
/// Execute count query
pub fn exec_count(self) -> ResultBoxError<usize> {
/// Struct used to read the result of a request
pub struct RowResult<'a> {
row: &'a mysql::Row
impl<'a> RowResult<'a> {
pub fn new(row: &mysql::Row) -> RowResult {
RowResult {
/// Find a column in result set
fn find_col(&self, name: &str) -> Result<usize, ExecError> {
let name_bytes = name.as_bytes();
let mut index = 0;
for c in self.row.columns_ref() {
if c.name_ref().eq(name_bytes) {
return Ok(index);
index += 1;
Err(ExecError(format!("Column {} not found in database result set!", name)))
/// Find an integer included in the request
pub fn get_int64(&self, name: &str) -> Result<i64, Box<dyn Error>> {
let value = self.row.get_opt(self.find_col(name)?);
match value {
None => Err(ExecError::boxed_string(
format!("Could not extract integer field {} !", name))),
Some(s) => Ok(s?)
/// Find an integer included in the request
pub fn get_u64(&self, name: &str) -> Result<u64, Box<dyn Error>> {
let value = self.row.get_opt(self.find_col(name)?);
match value {
None => Err(ExecError::boxed_string(
format!("Could not extract integer field {} !", name))),
Some(s) => Ok(s?)
/// Find an integer included in the request
pub fn get_usize(&self, name: &str) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn Error>> {
let value = self.row.get_opt(self.find_col(name)?);
match value {
None => Err(ExecError::boxed_string(
format!("Could not extract integer field {} !", name))),
Some(s) => Ok(s?)
/// Find a string included in the request
pub fn get_str(&self, name: &str) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
let value = self.row.get_opt(self.find_col(name)?);
match value {
None => Err(ExecError::boxed_string(
format!("Could not extract string field {} !", name))),
Some(s) => Ok(s?)
/// Check out whether a given value is null or not
pub fn is_null(&self, name: &str) -> ResultBoxError<bool> {
let value = self.row.get_opt(self.find_col(name)?);
match value {
None => Ok(true),
Some(Ok(Value::NULL)) => Ok(true),
_ => Ok(false)
/// Get an optional string => Set to None if string is null / empty
pub fn get_optional_str(&self, name: &str) -> ResultBoxError<Option<String>> {
match self.is_null(name)? {
true => Ok(None),
false => Ok(Some(self.get_str(name)?).map_or(None, |d| {
match d.is_empty() {
true => None,
false => Some(d)
/// Get legacy boolean value : 1 = true / 0 = false
pub fn get_legacy_bool(&self, name: &str) -> ResultBoxError<bool> {
Ok(self.get_int64(name)? == 1)
/// Query a single row of the database
pub fn query_row<E, F: Fn(&RowResult) -> ProcessRowResult<E>>(mut info: QueryInfo,
process_function: F) -> Result<E, Box<dyn Error>> {
info.limit = 1;
let mut list = query(info, process_function)?;
match list.len() {
0 => Err(ExecError::boxed_new("Request did not return a result!")),
_ => Ok(list.remove(0))
/// Make a simple query
pub fn query<E, F: Fn(&RowResult) -> ProcessRowResult<E>>(info: QueryInfo, process_function: F)
-> Result<Vec<E>, Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut params = vec![];
let select_elements = match info.fields.len() {
0 => "*".to_string(),
_ => info.fields.join(", ")
// Build query
let mut query = format!("SELECT {} FROM {} ", select_elements, info.table);
// WHERE clause
if !info.conditions.is_empty() {
let mut where_args = vec![];
for (k, v) in info.conditions {
where_args.push(format!("{} = ?", k));
let where_args = format!(" WHERE {} ", where_args.join(" AND "));
query = query.add(&where_args);
// LIMIT clause
if info.limit > 0 {
query = query.add(&format!(" LIMIT {}", info.limit));
// Execute query
let mut con = get_connection()?;
let stmt = con.prep(&query)?;
let mut res = con.exec_iter(stmt, params)?;
// This system is made to support only one dataset
let result_set = res.next_set();
if let None = result_set {
return Err(Box::new(ExecError::new("No result set in a query!")));
let result_set: ResultSet<Binary> = result_set.unwrap()?;
// Parse each result of the dataset
let mut res: Vec<E> = vec![];
for row in result_set {
let row = row?;
let result = RowResult::new(&row);
let parsed = process_function(&result)?;
/// Count the number of results a query would have produced
pub fn count(mut q: QueryInfo) -> ResultBoxError<usize> {
&q.fields.push("COUNT(*) as count".to_string());
query(q, |res| res.get_usize("count"))?.pop()
.ok_or(ExecError::boxed_new("database::count did not return a result!"))
/// Structure used to execute a insert query
pub struct InsertQuery {
pub table: String,
pub values: HashMap<String, mysql::Value>,
impl InsertQuery {
/// Construct a new InsertQuery instance
pub fn new(table: &str) -> InsertQuery {
InsertQuery {
table: table.to_string(),
values: HashMap::new(),
/// Add a string
pub fn add_str(mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> InsertQuery {
self.values.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
/// Add an integer
pub fn add_i64(mut self, key: &str, value: i64) -> InsertQuery {
self.values.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
pub fn add_u32(mut self, key: &str, value: u32) -> InsertQuery {
self.values.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
/// Insert a new entry into the database
pub fn insert(query: InsertQuery) -> ResultBoxError<()> {
// Collect keys
let keys = query.values
.map(|f| f.to_string())
let query_sql = format!(
"INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})",
keys.join(", "),
keys.iter().map(|_| "?").collect::<Vec<&str>>().join(", ")
/// Structure used to build delete queries
pub struct DeleteQuery {
table: String,
conditions: HashMap<String, Value>,
impl DeleteQuery {
/// Construct a new delete table query
pub fn new(table: &str) -> DeleteQuery {
DeleteQuery {
table: table.to_string(),
conditions: HashMap::new(),
/// Add a string condition
pub fn cond_str(mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> DeleteQuery {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
/// Add an integer condition
pub fn cond_u32(mut self, key: &str, value: u32) -> DeleteQuery {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
pub fn cond_i64(mut self, key: &str, value: i64) -> DeleteQuery {
self.conditions.insert(key.to_string(), Value::from(value));
/// Delete an entry from the database
pub fn delete(query: DeleteQuery) -> ResultBoxError<()> {
if query.conditions.is_empty() {
return Err(ExecError::boxed_new("DELETE without WHERE condition blocked for security reasons!"));
let query_sql = format!(
.map(|f| format!("{} = ?", f))
.join(" AND ")
} |