import 'package:comunic/helpers/survey_helper.dart'; import 'package:comunic/models/survey.dart'; import 'package:comunic/models/survey_choice.dart'; import 'package:comunic/utils/intl_utils.dart'; import 'package:comunic/utils/ui_utils.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:pie_chart/pie_chart.dart'; /// Survey widget /// /// @author Pierre HUBERT class SurveyWidget extends StatefulWidget { final Survey survey; const SurveyWidget({Key key, @required this.survey}) : assert(survey != null), super(key: key); @override _SurveyWidgetState createState() => _SurveyWidgetState(); } class _SurveyWidgetState extends State { final SurveyHelper _helper = SurveyHelper(); Survey get survey => widget.survey; Map _buildDataMap() { Map data = Map(); widget.survey.choices.forEach((e) => data.putIfAbsent( + " (" + e.responses.toString() + ")", () => 1.0 * e.responses)); return data; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: [ Text( widget.survey.question, style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ), _buildUserResponse(), survey.hasResponses ? _buildChart() : _buildNoResponseNotice(), ], ); } Widget _buildUserResponse() { if (survey.hasResponded) return _buildUserRespondedWidget(); return _buildUserResponseFormWidget(); } Widget _buildUserRespondedWidget() { return Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Flexible( child: Text( tr("Your response: %response%", args: {"response":}), textAlign:, ), ), MaterialButton( child: Text(tr("Cancel").toUpperCase()), onPressed: _cancelUserResponse, ) ], ); } Future _cancelUserResponse() async { if (!await showConfirmDialog( context: context, title: tr("Cancel response to survey"), message: tr("Do you really want to cancel your response to this survey ?"), )) return; if (!await _helper.cancelResponse(survey)) { showSimpleSnack( context, tr("Could not cancel your response to the survey !")); return; } setState(() { survey.cancelUserResponse(); }); } Widget _buildUserResponseFormWidget() { return ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 300), child: DropdownButton( isExpanded: true, hint: Text(tr("Respond to survey")), items: survey.choices .map( (f) => DropdownMenuItem( value: f, child: Text(, ), ) .toList(), onChanged: _respondToSurvey, ), ); } Widget _buildChart() { return PieChart( dataMap: _buildDataMap(), ); } Widget _buildNoResponseNotice() { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: Text(tr("No response yet to this survey.")), ); } /// Respond to survey Future _respondToSurvey(SurveyChoice choice) async { // Send the response to the server if (!await _helper.respondToSurvey(survey: survey, choice: choice)) return showSimpleSnack( context, tr("Could not send your response to the survey!")); setState(() { survey.setUserResponse(choice); }); } }