#include #include #include #include #include "loginscreen.h" #include "ui_utils.h" using namespace std; LoginScreen::LoginScreen() { } enum CursorPos { EMAIL = 0, PASSWORD = 1, SUBMIT = 2 }; bool LoginScreen::exec() { initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // Listen to function keys noecho(); cbreak(); /* Line buffering disabled. pass on everything */ string email, password; getCredentials(email, password); mvprintw(3,0, "Done!"); getch(); /* Wait for user input */ endwin(); /* End curses mode */ } void LoginScreen::getCredentials(string &email, string &pass) { int currPos = 0; int currX = 0, currY = 0; bool stop = false; do { erase(); ui_utils::print_base_screen(stdscr); int row, col; getmaxyx(stdscr, row, col); int startX = (row-4*2)/2; int startY = (col-50)/2; mvprintw(startX, startY, "Please login to your Comunic account:"); // Ask for email if(currPos == EMAIL) wattron(stdscr, A_REVERSE); mvprintw(startX+2, startY, "Email address:"); wattroff(stdscr, A_REVERSE); printw(" "); printw(email.c_str()); if(currPos == EMAIL) getyx(stdscr, currY, currX); // Ask for password if(currPos == PASSWORD) wattron(stdscr, A_REVERSE); mvprintw(startX+4, startY, "Password:"); wattroff(stdscr, A_REVERSE); printw(" "); for(size_t i = 0; i < pass.length(); i++) printw("*"); if(currPos == PASSWORD) getyx(stdscr, currY, currX); // Validate button if(currPos == SUBMIT) wattron(stdscr, A_REVERSE); mvprintw(startX+6, startY, "Login"); wattroff(stdscr, A_REVERSE); if(currPos == SUBMIT) {curs_set(0);} else {curs_set(1);} move(currY, currX); refresh(); int c = wgetch(stdscr); switch(c) { case KEY_UP: currPos--; if(currPos < 0) currPos = 0; break; case KEY_DOWN: case 9: // TAB currPos++; if(currPos > 2) currPos = 0; break; case 10: // ENTER if(currPos == EMAIL) currPos++; else stop = true; break; case 263: // Erase if(currPos == EMAIL && email.length() > 0) email.pop_back(); else if(currPos == PASSWORD && pass.length() > 0) pass.pop_back(); break; default: if(c > 126) break; // We can not process this value if(currPos == EMAIL) email += static_cast(c); else if(currPos == PASSWORD) pass += static_cast(c); } } while(!stop); }