/** * Node Signal Exchanger test client * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ function byId(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } const Config = { port: 8081, server_name: "", clientID: location.href.toString().includes("#1") ? "client-1" : "client-2", otherPeerID: location.href.toString().includes("#1") ? "client-2" : "client-1" }; let client = new SignalExchangerClient( Config.server_name, Config.port, Config.clientID ); let peer; let localStream; client.onConnected = function(){ console.log("Connected to signal exchanger server."); InitializeVideo(); } client.onError = function() { console.error("An error occurred with the connection to the signal exchanger server"); } client.onClosed = function() { console.log("Connection to server closed."); } client.onSignal = function(signal, peerID){ if(peerID !== Config.otherPeerID) return alert("A signal from an unknow peer ID has just been received!"); peer.signal(JSON.parse(signal)); } function InitializeVideo(){ navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }) .then(stream => { localStream = stream; InitializePeer(); //Play local video let video = byId("localVideo"); video.srcObject = stream; video.play(); }) .catch(err => { alert("Can not continue because you did not accept to share your camera!"); console.error(err); }); } /** * Initialize peer connection * * Warning : It is better to wait for the socket connection to be ready before * launching this function if this peer is the initiator of the connection */ function InitializePeer() { peer = new SimplePeer({ initiator: location.hash === '#1', stream: localStream, trickle: false, config: { 'iceServers': [ { urls: 'stun:' }, {"url":"turn:", "credential":"anonymous", "username": "anonymous"} ] } }); peer.on('error', function (err) { console.log('SimplePeer error', err) }); //Automatically send new signals to the other peer peer.on('signal', function (data) { console.log('SIGNAL', JSON.stringify(data)) client.sendSignal(Config.otherPeerID, JSON.stringify(data)); }); peer.on("stream", stream => { let video = byId("remoteVideo"); video.srcObject = stream; video.play(); }); peer.on("message", message => { console.log("Message from remote peer: " + message); }); }