use std::time::Duration; /// File in storage containing users list pub const USERS_LIST_FILE: &str = "users.json"; /// File in storage containing clients list pub const CLIENTS_LIST_FILE: &str = "clients.yaml"; /// Default built-in credentials pub const DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME: &str = "admin"; pub const DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD: &str = "admin"; /// App name pub const APP_NAME: &str = "Basic OIDC"; /// Maximum session duration after inactivity, in seconds pub const MAX_INACTIVITY_DURATION: i64 = 60 * 30; /// Maximum session duration (6 hours) pub const MAX_SESSION_DURATION: i64 = 3600 * 6; /// Minimum password length pub const MIN_PASS_LEN: usize = 4; /// The name of the cookie used to store session information pub const SESSION_COOKIE_NAME: &str = "auth-cookie"; /// Authenticated routes prefix pub const AUTHENTICATED_ROUTES: &str = "/settings"; /// Admin routes prefix pub const ADMIN_ROUTES: &str = "/admin"; /// Auth route pub const LOGIN_ROUTE: &str = "/login"; /// Bruteforce protection pub const KEEP_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_FOR: u64 = 3600; pub const MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: usize = 15; pub const FAIL_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_CLEANUP_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); /// Temporary password length pub const TEMPORARY_PASSWORDS_LEN: usize = 20;