-- Add column to toggle accommodations module ALTER TABLE public.families ADD enable_accommodations boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.families.enable_accommodations IS 'Specify whether accommodations feature is enabled for the family'; -- Create tables CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accommodations_list ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, family_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES families, time_create BIGINT NOT NULL, time_update BIGINT NOT NULL, need_validation BOOLEAN, description text NULL, open_to_reservation BOOLEAN ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accommodations_reservations ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, family_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES families ON DELETE CASCADE, accommodation_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES accommodations_list ON DELETE CASCADE, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE, time_create BIGINT NOT NULL, time_update BIGINT NOT NULL, reservation_start BIGINT NOT NULL, reservation_end BIGINT NOT NULL, validated BOOLEAN );