import { Button } from "@mui/material"; import { filesize } from "filesize"; import React from "react"; import { ServerApi } from "../../api/ServerApi"; import { ImageCropperDialog } from "../../dialogs/ImageCropperDialog"; import { useAlert } from "../../hooks/context_providers/AlertDialogProvider"; import { Area } from "react-easy-crop"; import getCroppedImg from "../../utils/crop_image"; import UploadIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Upload"; import LinkIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Link"; import { isDebug } from "../../utils/debug_utils"; export function UploadPhotoButton(p: { label: string; onPhotoSelected: (b: Blob) => Promise; aspect?: number; }): React.ReactElement { const [processing, setProcessing] = React.useState(false); const [imageBlob, setImageBlob] = React.useState(); const [imageURL, setImageURL] = React.useState(); const alert = useAlert(); const uploadPhoto = async () => { try { // Create file element const fileEl = document.createElement("input"); fileEl.type = "file"; fileEl.accept = ServerApi.Config.constraints.photo_allowed_types.join(",");; // Wait for a file to be chosen await new Promise((res, _rej) => fileEl.addEventListener("change", () => res(null)) ); if ((fileEl.files?.length ?? 0) === 0) return null; const file = fileEl.files![0]; // Check file size if (file.size > ServerApi.Config.constraints.photo_max_size) { await alert( `Le fichier sélectionné est trop lourd ! (taille maximale acceptée : ${filesize( ServerApi.Config.constraints.photo_max_size )})` ); return; } const tempURL = URL.createObjectURL(fileEl.files![0]); setImageBlob(file); setImageURL(tempURL); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert("Failed to upload custom account image!"); return null; } }; const uploadPhotoFromURL = async () => { const URL = prompt("Image URL ?"); if (URL === null || URL.length === 0) return; setImageURL(URL); }; const cancelCrop = () => { setImageURL(undefined); }; const submitCrop = async (a: Area | undefined) => { setProcessing(true); try { let blob = imageBlob!; if (a) { blob = await getCroppedImg(imageURL!, a!); } await p.onPhotoSelected(blob); setImageBlob(undefined); setImageURL(undefined); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert("Echec du traitement de la photo !"); } setProcessing(false); }; return ( <> {/* Upload button */} {/* Upload button (from URL) */}{" "} {isDebug() && ( )}{" "} {/* Crop image dialog */} {imageURL && ( )} ); }