{% extends "base_page.html" %} {% block content %} {% if let Some(msg) = success_message %}
{{ msg }}
{% endif %} {% if let Some(msg) = error_message %}
{{ msg }}
{% endif %}
Current user ID: {{ user_id.0 }}
Registered clients
{% if clients.len() > 0 %} {% for client in clients %} {% endfor %}
ID Description Read only Network Created Used
{{ client.id.0 }} {{ client.description }} {% if client.readonly_client %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %} {% if let Some(net) = client.network %} {{ net }} {% else %} Unrestricted {% endif %} {{ client.fmt_created() }} {{ client.fmt_used() }}
{% endif %} {% if clients.len() == 0 %}

No client registered yet!

{% endif %}
New client
Client description helps with identification.
Restrict the networks this IP address can be used from.

Matrix authentication token

To obtain a new Matrix authentication token:

  1. Sign in to Element from a private browser window
  2. Open All settings and access the Help & About tag
  3. Expand Access Token and copy the value
  4. Paste the copied value below
  5. Close the private browser window without signing out!

You should not need to replace this value unless you explicitly signed out the associated browser session.

Tip: you can rename the session to easily identify it among all your other sessions!

Changing this value will reset all active connections to Matrix GW.
{% endblock content %}