# Pages Server PagesServer is a very lightweight static web server that offer two main features : * Serve static content * Allow easy update of the whole website from a CI/CD system through a POST request, protected by a token & by IP filtering. This project has been written in Rust. It is based on the Actix framework. ## Publishing / updating website Make a * `POST` request on `http:///_mgmt/replace_files`. * Body: * Multipart / Form-data body * One field: `file` that contains a TAR archive of the website to publish * Headers: * `Token` (mandatory) : contains the push token that allow to post files * `BaseURI` (optional) : defines the directory inside the tar archive to extract to storage directory ## Try it ```bash docker run --rm -ti -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd)/storage:/srv/web --env UPDATE_TOKEN=CHANGEME pierre42100/pages_server ```