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<h2><a class="header" href="#writing-error-messages-to-standard-error-instead-of-standard-output" id="writing-error-messages-to-standard-error-instead-of-standard-output">Writing Error Messages to Standard Error Instead of Standard Output</a></h2>
<p>At the moment, were writing all of our output to the terminal using the
<code>println!</code> function. Most terminals provide two kinds of output: <em>standard
output</em> (<code>stdout</code>) for general information and <em>standard error</em> (<code>stderr</code>)
for error messages. This distinction enables users to choose to direct the
successful output of a program to a file but still print error messages to the
<p>The <code>println!</code> function is only capable of printing to standard output, so we
have to use something else to print to standard error.</p>
<h3><a class="header" href="#checking-where-errors-are-written" id="checking-where-errors-are-written">Checking Where Errors Are Written</a></h3>
<p>First, lets observe how the content printed by <code>minigrep</code> is currently being
written to standard output, including any error messages we want to write to
standard error instead. Well do that by redirecting the standard output stream
to a file while also intentionally causing an error. We wont redirect the
standard error stream, so any content sent to standard error will continue to
display on the screen.</p>
<p>Command line programs are expected to send error messages to the standard error
stream so we can still see error messages on the screen even if we redirect the
standard output stream to a file. Our program is not currently well-behaved:
were about to see that it saves the error message output to a file instead!</p>
<p>The way to demonstrate this behavior is by running the program with <code>&gt;</code> and the
filename, <em>output.txt</em>, that we want to redirect the standard output stream to.
We wont pass any arguments, which should cause an error:</p>
<pre><code class="language-text">$ cargo run &gt; output.txt
<p>The <code>&gt;</code> syntax tells the shell to write the contents of standard output to
<em>output.txt</em> instead of the screen. We didnt see the error message we were
expecting printed to the screen, so that means it must have ended up in the
file. This is what <em>output.txt</em> contains:</p>
<pre><code class="language-text">Problem parsing arguments: not enough arguments
<p>Yup, our error message is being printed to standard output. Its much more
useful for error messages like this to be printed to standard error so only
data from a successful run ends up in the file. Well change that.</p>
<h3><a class="header" href="#printing-errors-to-standard-error" id="printing-errors-to-standard-error">Printing Errors to Standard Error</a></h3>
<p>Well use the code in Listing 12-24 to change how error messages are printed.
Because of the refactoring we did earlier in this chapter, all the code that
prints error messages is in one function, <code>main</code>. The standard library provides
the <code>eprintln!</code> macro that prints to the standard error stream, so lets change
the two places we were calling <code>println!</code> to print errors to use <code>eprintln!</code>
<p><span class="filename">Filename: src/</span></p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore">fn main() {
let args: Vec&lt;String&gt; = env::args().collect();
let config = Config::new(&amp;args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
eprintln!(&quot;Problem parsing arguments: {}&quot;, err);
if let Err(e) = minigrep::run(config) {
eprintln!(&quot;Application error: {}&quot;, e);
<p><span class="caption">Listing 12-24: Writing error messages to standard error
instead of standard output using <code>eprintln!</code></span></p>
<p>After changing <code>println!</code> to <code>eprintln!</code>, lets run the program again in the
same way, without any arguments and redirecting standard output with <code>&gt;</code>:</p>
<pre><code class="language-text">$ cargo run &gt; output.txt
Problem parsing arguments: not enough arguments
<p>Now we see the error onscreen and <em>output.txt</em> contains nothing, which is the
behavior we expect of command line programs.</p>
<p>Lets run the program again with arguments that dont cause an error but still
redirect standard output to a file, like so:</p>
<pre><code class="language-text">$ cargo run to poem.txt &gt; output.txt
<p>We wont see any output to the terminal, and <em>output.txt</em> will contain our
<p><span class="filename">Filename: output.txt</span></p>
<pre><code class="language-text">Are you nobody, too?
How dreary to be somebody!
<p>This demonstrates that were now using standard output for successful output
and standard error for error output as appropriate.</p>
<h2><a class="header" href="#summary" id="summary">Summary</a></h2>
<p>This chapter recapped some of the major concepts youve learned so far and
covered how to perform common I/O operations in Rust. By using command line
arguments, files, environment variables, and the <code>eprintln!</code> macro for printing
errors, youre now prepared to write command line applications. By using the
concepts in previous chapters, your code will be well organized, store data
effectively in the appropriate data structures, handle errors nicely, and be
well tested.</p>
<p>Next, well explore some Rust features that were influenced by functional
languages: closures and iterators.</p>
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