# Setup development environment ## Backend To build the backend, you will need to install: * Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/ * An IDE with Rust support. I would definitly recommend [RustRover](https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/) (the tool from IntelliJ). Check if your environment is working using the following command: ```bash cargo fmt && cargo clippy && cargo run -- --help ``` For development, the following flags might prove being useful: * `--unsecure-disable-login`: Disable authentication on all web API endpoints * `--hostname`: Change public server hostname, if you want to expose your test instance to network device, such as an ESP32 ## Custom consumption Same requirements as for the backend. This tool spawns a gui that allows to set arbitrary consumption values:  To use it, first launch this tool: ```bash cd custom_consumption cargo run ``` Set a custom value to force file creation (in the UI). Then launch central backend (in another terminal): ```bash cd central_backend cargo fmt && cargo clippy && RUST_LOG=debug cargo run -- file ``` ## Central frontend The frontend has been built using [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en), [Vite](https://vite.dev/) and [MUI](https://mui.com/). Launch it using this command: ```bash cd central_frontend npm run dev ``` ## Python device This component has been built using ... Python. Waw! You will need to install this dependency, first: ```bash apt install python3-jwt ``` Run the client: ```bash cd python_device python3 -m src.main # Get CLI help python3 -m src.main --help ``` Reformat code: ```bash black src/*.py ``` ## ESP32 device The ESP32 device is in reality a [Wt32-Eth01](https://en.wireless-tag.com/product-item-2.html) device. Use the following mapping to setup dev env:  You can use a [CP2102](https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4000120687489.html) to flash the ESP32. I recommend to use VSCode with the following extensions: * [ESP-IDF](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=espressif.esp-idf-extension) * [C/C++](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools) * [Prettier](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode) To build the project, use this command (in an ESP-IDF terminal): ```bash idf.py build ``` To flash the ESP32, use this one: ```bash idf.py flash ``` To capture logs from device, use either `cu` or the following command: ``` idf.py monitor ```