use crate::devices::device::{DeviceGeneralInfo, DeviceId}; use crate::energy::energy_actor; use crate::server::custom_error::HttpResult; use crate::server::WebEnergyActor; use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse}; /// Get the list of pending (not accepted yet) devices pub async fn list_pending(actor: WebEnergyActor) -> HttpResult { let list = actor .send(energy_actor::GetDeviceLists) .await? .into_iter() .filter(|d| !d.validated) .collect::>(); Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(list)) } /// Get the list of validated (not accepted yet) devices pub async fn list_validated(actor: WebEnergyActor) -> HttpResult { let list = actor .send(energy_actor::GetDeviceLists) .await? .into_iter() .filter(|d| d.validated) .collect::>(); Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(list)) } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct DeviceInPath { id: DeviceId, } /// Get a single device information pub async fn get_single(actor: WebEnergyActor, id: web::Path) -> HttpResult { let Some(dev) = actor .send(energy_actor::GetSingleDevice( .await? else { return Ok(HttpResponse::NotFound().json("Requested device was not found!")); }; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(dev)) } /// Validate a device pub async fn validate_device(actor: WebEnergyActor, id: web::Path) -> HttpResult { actor .send(energy_actor::ValidateDevice( .await??; Ok(HttpResponse::Accepted().finish()) } /// Update a device information pub async fn update_device( actor: WebEnergyActor, id: web::Path, update: web::Json, ) -> HttpResult { if let Some(e) = update.error() { return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json(e)); } actor .send(energy_actor::UpdateDeviceGeneralInfo(, update.0.clone(), )) .await??; Ok(HttpResponse::Accepted().finish()) } /// Delete a device pub async fn delete_device(actor: WebEnergyActor, id: web::Path) -> HttpResult { actor .send(energy_actor::DeleteDevice( .await??; Ok(HttpResponse::Accepted().finish()) }