2023-09-05 13:19:25 +02:00
use crate::app_config::AppConfig;
use crate::constants;
use crate::controllers::HttpResult;
use crate::utils::files_utils;
use actix_multipart::form::tempfile::TempFile;
use actix_multipart::form::MultipartForm;
2023-09-05 16:12:20 +02:00
use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse};
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
2023-09-05 13:19:25 +02:00
#[derive(Debug, MultipartForm)]
pub struct UploadIsoForm {
#[multipart(rename = "file")]
files: Vec<TempFile>,
/// Upload iso file
pub async fn upload_file(MultipartForm(mut form): MultipartForm<UploadIsoForm>) -> HttpResult {
if form.files.is_empty() {
log::error!("Missing uploaded ISO file!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Missing file!"));
let file = form.files.remove(0);
if file.size > constants::ISO_MAX_SIZE {
log::error!("Uploaded ISO file is too large!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("File is too large!"));
if let Some(m) = &file.content_type {
if !constants::ALLOWED_ISO_MIME_TYPES.contains(&m.to_string().as_str()) {
log::error!("Uploaded ISO file has an invalid mimetype!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Invalid mimetype!"));
let file_name = match &file.file_name {
None => {
log::error!("Uploaded ISO file does not have a name!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Missing file name!"));
Some(f) => f,
if !files_utils::check_file_name(file_name) {
log::error!("Bad file name for uploaded iso!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Bad file name!"));
let dest_file = AppConfig::get().iso_storage_path().join(file_name);
log::info!("Will save ISO file {:?}", dest_file);
if dest_file.exists() {
log::error!("Conflict with uploaded iso file name!");
return Ok(HttpResponse::Conflict().json("The file already exists!"));
2023-09-05 16:12:20 +02:00
pub struct DownloadFromURLReq {
url: String,
filename: String,
/// Upload ISO file from URL
pub async fn upload_from_url(req: web::Json<DownloadFromURLReq>) -> HttpResult {
if !files_utils::check_file_name(&req.filename) || !req.filename.ends_with(".iso") {
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Invalid file name!"));
let dest_file = AppConfig::get().iso_storage_path().join(&req.filename);
if dest_file.exists() {
return Ok(HttpResponse::Conflict().json("A similar file already exists!"));
let response = reqwest::get(&req.url).await?;
if let Some(len) = response.content_length() {
if len > constants::ISO_MAX_SIZE as u64 {
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("File is too large!"));
if let Some(ct) = response.headers().get("content-type") {
if !constants::ALLOWED_ISO_MIME_TYPES.contains(&ct.to_str()?) {
return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().json("Invalid file mimetype!"));
let mut stream = response.bytes_stream();
let mut file = File::create(dest_file)?;
while let Some(item) = stream.next().await {
let bytes = item?;