110 lines
3.3 KiB
110 lines
3.3 KiB
use jsonwebtoken::{Algorithm, DecodingKey, EncodingKey, Validation};
use ring::signature::{KeyPair, UnparsedPublicKey};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
#[serde(tag = "alg")]
pub enum TokenPubKey {
/// This variant DOES make crash the program. It MUST NOT be serialized.
/// It is a hack to hide public key when getting the list of tokens
/// ECDSA with SHA2-384 variant
ES384 { r#pub: String },
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
#[serde(tag = "alg")]
pub enum TokenPrivKey {
ES384 { r#priv: String },
/// Generate a new token keypair
pub fn generate_key_pair() -> anyhow::Result<(TokenPubKey, TokenPrivKey)> {
let doc = ring::signature::EcdsaKeyPair::generate_pkcs8(
let priv_pem = pem::encode(&pem::Pem::new("PRIVATE KEY", doc.as_ref()));
let pair = ring::signature::EcdsaKeyPair::from_pkcs8(
let pub_pem = pem::encode(&pem::Pem::new("PUBLIC KEY", pair.public_key().as_ref()));
let pk = pair.public_key();
let unp = UnparsedPublicKey::new(&ring::signature::ECDSA_P384_SHA384_ASN1_SIGNING, pk.as_ref());
let decoding_key = DecodingKey::from_ec_pem(pub_pem.as_bytes()).expect("aie ai");
TokenPubKey::ES384 { r#pub: pub_pem },
TokenPrivKey::ES384 { r#priv: priv_pem },
/// Sign JWT with a private key
pub fn sign_jwt<C: Serialize>(key: &TokenPrivKey, claims: &C) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
match key {
TokenPrivKey::ES384 { r#priv } => {
let encoding_key = EncodingKey::from_ec_pem(r#priv.as_bytes())?;
/// Validate a given JWT
pub fn validate_jwt<E: DeserializeOwned>(key: &TokenPubKey, token: &str) -> anyhow::Result<E> {
match key {
TokenPubKey::ES384 { r#pub } => {
let decoding_key = DecodingKey::from_ec_pem(r#pub.as_bytes())?;
let validation = Validation::new(Algorithm::ES384);
Ok(jsonwebtoken::decode::<E>(token, &decoding_key, &validation)?.claims)
TokenPubKey::None => {
panic!("A public key is required!")
mod test {
use crate::utils::jwt_utils::{generate_key_pair, sign_jwt, validate_jwt};
use crate::utils::time_utils::time;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Claims {
sub: String,
exp: u64,
fn jwt_encode_sign_verify_valid() {
let (pub_key, priv_key) = generate_key_pair().unwrap();
let claims = Claims {
sub: "my-sub".to_string(),
exp: time() + 100,
let jwt = sign_jwt(&priv_key, &claims).expect("Failed to sign JWT!");
println!("pub {pub_key:?}");
println!("priv {priv_key:?}");
let claims_out = validate_jwt(&pub_key, &jwt).expect("Failed to validate JWT!");
assert_eq!(claims, claims_out)