Add unsafe login docker image

This commit is contained in:
Pierre HUBERT 2025-01-30 12:32:06 +01:00
parent 6b38c46be9
commit c47cbeef38
7 changed files with 240 additions and 1 deletions

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
Appliances used to build GNS3 labs.
This images are freely inspired from [Chewie's]( ones
These images are freely inspired from [Chewie's]( ones

unsafe_login/Dockerfile Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
FROM php:8.3-apache
COPY src/ /var/www/html/

unsafe_login/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Unsafe login challenge
You need to set the `FLAG` environment variable for this challenge to work!
## Run the image
docker run --rm --name unsafe_login --env FLAG='FLAG{EASYINJECTION}' -p 3565:80 -it pierre42100/gns3-appliance-unsafe-login

unsafe_login/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
sudo docker build -t pierre42100/gns3-appliance-unsafe-login .

unsafe_login/src/bootstrap.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.

unsafe_login/src/index.php Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
$user = NULL;
// First, connect to database
$db = new PDO('sqlite:'.__DIR__.'/database.db');
catch (PDOException $e)
echo 'Connection to database failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
// Check if user requested to be signed out
// Check for authentication
if(isset($_POST["user"]) && isset($_POST["password"]))
$username = $_POST["user"];
$password_hash = hash("sha512", $_POST["password"]);
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '$username' AND password = '$password_hash'";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$res = $stmt->fetchAll();
if(count($res) === 0)
$error = "The specified credentials are invalid!";
else {
$_SESSION["user"] = $res[0]["id"];
// Extract current user information
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?");
$user = $stmt->fetchAll()[0];
?><!doctype html>
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<body class="d-flex align-items-center py-4 bg-body-tertiary">
<main class="form-signin w-100 m-auto">
if($user === NULL) {
?><form method="POST" action="/">
?><div class="alert alert-danger">
<h1 class="h3 mb-3 fw-normal">Please sign in</h1>
<div class="form-floating">
<input type="user" class="form-control" id="floatingInput" placeholder="user" name="user" required />
<label for="floatingInput">Username</label>
<div class="form-floating">
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="floatingPassword" placeholder="Password" name="password" required />
<label for="floatingPassword">Password</label>
<div class="form-check text-start my-3">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="remember-me" id="flexCheckDefault">
<label class="form-check-label" for="flexCheckDefault">
Remember me
<button class="btn btn-primary w-100 py-2" type="submit">Sign in</button>
<p class="mt-5 mb-3 text-body-secondary">&copy; 2025 Safesys</p>
else {
?><h3>Welcome <?=$user['user']?>! <a href='/?sign_out=1'>Sign out</a></h3><?php
if($user["is_admin"]) {
?><div class="alert alert-success">
Hey admin ! You can access the secret value: <?=getenv("FLAG")?>
else {
?><div class="alert alert-light">
You are not an administrator, you cannot access privileged information!