# jsonwebkey *[JSON Web Key (JWK)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517#section-4.3) (de)serialization, generation, and conversion.* Note: requires rustc nightly >= 1.45 for conveniences around fixed-size arrays. **Goals** tl;dr: get keys into a format that can be used by other crates; be as safe as possible while doing so. - [x] Serialization and deserialization of _Required_ and _Recommended_ key types (HS256, RS256, ES256) - [x] Conversion to PEM for interop with existing JWT libraries (e.g., [jsonwebtoken](https://crates.io/crates/jsonwebtoken)) - [ ] Key generation (particularly for testing) **Non-goals** * be a fully-featured JOSE framework ## Example ```rust extern crate jsonwebtoken as jwt; extern crate jsonwebkey as jwk; fn main() { let jwk_str = r#"{ "kty": "EC", "d": "ZoKQ9j4dhIBlMRVrv-QG8P_T9sutv3_95eio9MtpgKg", "crv": "P-256", "x": "QOMHmv96tVlJv-uNqprnDSKIj5AiLTXKRomXYnav0N0", "y": "TjYZoHnctatEE6NCrKmXQdJJPnNzZEX8nBmZde3AY4k" }"#; let jwk = jwk::JsonWebKey::from_str(jwk_str).unwrap(); let encoding_key = jwk::EncodingKey::from_ec_der(jwk.to_der().unwrap()); let token = jwt::encode(&jwt::Header::default(), &() /* claims */, encoding_key).unwrap(); } ``` ## Features * `convert` - enables `Key::{to_der, to_pem}`. This pulls in the [yasna](https://crates.io/crates/yasna) crate. * `generate` - enables `Key::{generate_p256, generate_symmetric}`. This pulls in the [p256](https://crates.io/crates/p256) and [rand](https://crates.io/crates/rand) crates. * `jsonwebtoken` - enables conversions to types in the [jsonwebtoken](https://crates.io/crates/jsonwebtoken) crate.