# Light OpenID [](https://drone.communiquons.org/pierre/light-openid) [](https://crates.io/crates/light-openid) Lightweight OpenID primitives & client. This package can be used to turn an application into an OpenID relying party. > **Warning !** This crate has not been audited, use at your own risks! > > It is your responsibility to implement the routes (start & finish authentication) that interacts > with the `OpenIDConfig` helper structure. > > Moreover, only a very small subset of OpenID specifications are supported : > * `code` authorization flow > * The scopes `openid profile email` are hard coded and cannot be changed > * User info retrieval using `userinfo` endpoint ## Basic usage ```rust let config = OpenIDConfig::load_from_url(&AppConfig::get().configuration_url).await.unwrap(); // Start authentication let auth_url = config.gen_authorization_url("client_id", "state", "redirect_uri"); redirect_user(auth_url); // Finish authentication let token_response = config.request_token("client_id", "client_secret", "code", "redirect_uri").await.unwrap(); let user_info = config.request_user_info(&token_response).await.unwrap(); // user_info now contains profile info of user ``` ## Feature `crypto-wrapper` `CryptoWrapper` is a helper that can encrypt to base64-encoded string structures: ```rust #[derive(Encode, Decode, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Message(String); fun test() { let wrapper = CryptoWrapper::new_random(); let msg = Message("Hello world".to_string()); let enc = wrapper.encrypt(&msg).unwrap(); let dec: Message = wrapper.decrypt( & enc).unwrap(); assert_eq!(dec, msg); } ``` > Note : In order to use `CryptoWrapper` on your own, you must add `bincode>=2.0` as one of your own dependencies. This is not required if you decide use `BasicStateManager`. `BasicStateManager` is a helper that uses `CryptoWrapper` to generate and validates states for OpenID authentication: ```rust let ip = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 1)); let manager = BasicStateManager::new(); let state = manager.gen_state(ip).unwrap(); assert!(manager.validate_state(ip, &state).is_ok()); ``` ## Complete example A complete example usage of this crate can be found here: [https://gitea.communiquons.org/pierre/oidc-test-client](https://gitea.communiquons.org/pierre/oidc-test-client)