Pierre HUBERT ee5a31021c
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Update Dev documentation
2025-03-06 21:01:28 +01:00

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Setup for development

This guide will present you how to prepare your computer to update features of MinioK8SBucket

Install Rust

As this project has been written using Rust, you will need to install it prior working on MinioK8SBucket. Please follow the official instructions:

Install Minikube

First, you need to install Minikube on your computer to have a K8S environment. In order to do this, please follow the official instructions:

Start Minikube

You will then need to start Minikube using the following command:

minikube start

You can then make sure that Minikube is working properly:

minikube kubectl get nodes

You should get a response similar to this one:

NAME       STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
minikube   Ready    control-plane   2m16s   v1.32.0

Clone repository

Clone this repository using:

!!! note "Gitea account request" If you want to get a Gitea account to make pull request on this repository, you will need to contact me at:

Deploy Minio

First, enable Minikube tunnel:

minikube tunnel --bind-address '' 

You will then need to deploy Minio in Minikube. Apply the Minio deployment located at the in MinioK8SBucket repository:

minikube kubectl -- apply -f yaml/minio-dev-deployment.yml

Check for launching of pod:

minikube kubectl -- get pods -w

Check for the availability of the service:

minikube kubectl -- get services

You should get a result similar to this one:

NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP                         31m
minio        LoadBalancer     9000:30656/TCP,9090:31369/TCP   6m40s

You should be able to access minio at the following address:

Minio API should be available at:

Deploy CRD

You will need then to deploy the Custom Resource Definitions of MinioK8S bucket using the following command:

minikube kubectl -- apply -f yaml/crd.yaml

Run operator

You can then run the project using the following command:

cargo fmt && cargo clippy && RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --

Create a first bucket

You should be able to create a first bucket using the following command:

minikube kubectl -- apply -f test/test-outside-cluster.yaml

Have fun working for MinioK8SBucket!