Improve cli screens structures
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum};
pub enum TestDevScreen {
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
@ -15,31 +14,50 @@ use tui::backend::{Backend, CrosstermBackend};
use tui::Terminal;
use cli_player::server::start_server_if_missing;
use cli_player::ui_screens::popup_screen::PopupScreen;
use cli_player::ui_screens::*;
use sea_battle_backend::data::GameRules;
/// Test code screens
async fn run_dev<B: Backend>(
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
d: TestDevScreen,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let res = match d {
TestDevScreen::Popup => PopupScreen::new("Welcome there!!")
TestDevScreen::Popup => popup_screen::PopupScreen::new("Welcome there!!")
TestDevScreen::Input => input_screen::InputScreen::new("Whas it your name ?")
TestDevScreen::Input => input_screen::InputScreen::new("What it your name ?")
.set_title("A custom title")
TestDevScreen::Confirm => {
confirm_dialog::ConfirmDialogScreen::new("Do you really want to quit game?")
TestDevScreen::SelectBotType => select_bot_type::SelectBotTypeScreen::default()
TestDevScreen::SelectPlayMode => select_play_mode::SelectPlayModeScreen::default()
TestDevScreen::SetBoatsLayout => {
let rules = GameRules {
boats_can_touch: true,
TestDevScreen::ConfigureGameRules => {
// Temporary code
// let res = configure_game_rules::configure_play_rules(GameRules::default(), terminal)?; // select_bot_type::select_bot_type(terminal)?;
/*let mut rules = GameRules::default();
rules.boats_can_touch = true;
let res = set_boats_layout::set_boat_layout(&rules, terminal)?; // select_bot_type::select_bot_type(terminal)?;*/
// let res = confirm_dialog::confirm_dialog("Do you really want to interrupt game ?", terminal)?; // select_bot_type::select_bot_type(terminal)?;
// select_bot_type::select_bot_type(terminal)?;
format!("DEV result: {:?}", res),
@ -31,195 +31,199 @@ enum EditingField {
struct GameRulesConfigurationScreen {
pub struct GameRulesConfigurationScreen {
rules: GameRules,
curr_field: EditingField,
pub fn configure_play_rules<B: Backend>(
rules: GameRules,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<GameRules>> {
let mut model = GameRulesConfigurationScreen {
curr_field: EditingField::OK,
impl GameRulesConfigurationScreen {
pub fn new(rules: GameRules) -> Self {
Self {
curr_field: EditingField::OK,
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| ui(f, &mut model))?;
pub fn show<B: Backend>(
mut self,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<GameRules>> {
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| self.ui(f))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if crossterm::event::poll(timeout)? {
let mut cursor_pos = model.curr_field as i32;
if crossterm::event::poll(timeout)? {
let mut cursor_pos = self.curr_field as i32;
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
// Quit app
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
// Quit app
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
// Navigate between fields
KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Left => cursor_pos -= 1,
KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Tab => cursor_pos += 1,
// Navigate between fields
KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Left => cursor_pos -= 1,
KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Tab => cursor_pos += 1,
// Submit results
KeyCode::Enter => {
if model.curr_field == EditingField::Cancel {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled);
// Submit results
KeyCode::Enter => {
if self.curr_field == EditingField::Cancel {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled);
if self.curr_field == EditingField::OK && self.rules.is_valid() {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(self.rules));
if model.curr_field == EditingField::OK && model.rules.is_valid() {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(model.rules));
KeyCode::Char(' ') => {
if self.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsCanTouch {
self.rules.boats_can_touch = !self.rules.boats_can_touch;
if self.curr_field == EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit {
self.rules.player_continue_on_hit =
KeyCode::Backspace => {
if self.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth {
self.rules.map_width /= 10;
if self.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight {
self.rules.map_height /= 10;
if self.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList
&& !self.rules.boats_list().is_empty()
KeyCode::Char(c) if ('0'..='9').contains(&c) => {
let val = c.to_string().parse::<usize>().unwrap_or_default();
if self.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth {
self.rules.map_width *= 10;
self.rules.map_width += val;
if self.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight {
self.rules.map_height *= 10;
self.rules.map_height += val;
if self.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList {
_ => {}
KeyCode::Char(' ') => {
if model.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsCanTouch {
model.rules.boats_can_touch = !model.rules.boats_can_touch;
if model.curr_field == EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit {
model.rules.player_continue_on_hit =
KeyCode::Backspace => {
if model.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth {
model.rules.map_width /= 10;
if model.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight {
model.rules.map_height /= 10;
if model.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList
&& !model.rules.boats_list().is_empty()
KeyCode::Char(c) if ('0'..='9').contains(&c) => {
let val = c.to_string().parse::<usize>().unwrap_or_default();
if model.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth {
model.rules.map_width *= 10;
model.rules.map_width += val;
if model.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight {
model.rules.map_height *= 10;
model.rules.map_height += val;
if model.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList {
_ => {}
// Apply new cursor position
self.curr_field = if cursor_pos < 0 {
} else {
num_renamed::FromPrimitive::from_u64(cursor_pos as u64)
// Apply new cursor position
model.curr_field = if cursor_pos < 0 {
} else {
num_renamed::FromPrimitive::from_u64(cursor_pos as u64)
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
fn ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<B>) {
let area = centered_rect_size(50, 16, &f.size());
let block = Block::default().title("Game rules").borders(Borders::ALL);
f.render_widget(block, area);
let chunks = Layout::default()
Constraint::Length(1), // Buttons
Constraint::Length(1), // Error message (if any)
.split(area.inner(&Margin {
horizontal: 2,
vertical: 1,
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Map width",
self.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::MapWidth as usize]);
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Map height",
self.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::MapHeight as usize]);
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Boats list",
.join("; "),
self.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::BoatsList as usize]);
let editor = CheckboxWidget::new(
"Boats can touch",
self.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsCanTouch,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::BoatsCanTouch as usize]);
let editor = CheckboxWidget::new(
"Player continue on hit",
self.curr_field == EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit as usize]);
// Buttons
let buttons_chunk = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)])
.split(chunks[EditingField::OK as usize]);
let button = ButtonWidget::new("Cancel", self.curr_field == EditingField::Cancel);
f.render_widget(button, buttons_chunk[0]);
let button = ButtonWidget::new("OK", self.curr_field == EditingField::OK)
f.render_widget(button, buttons_chunk[1]);
// Error message (if any)
if let Some(msg) = self.rules.get_errors().first() {
let area = centered_rect_size(msg.len() as u16, 1, chunks.last().unwrap());
let err = Paragraph::new(*msg).style(Style::default().fg(Color::Red));
f.render_widget(err, area);
fn ui<B: Backend>(f: &mut Frame<B>, model: &mut GameRulesConfigurationScreen) {
let area = centered_rect_size(50, 16, &f.size());
let block = Block::default().title("Game rules").borders(Borders::ALL);
f.render_widget(block, area);
let chunks = Layout::default()
Constraint::Length(1), // Buttons
Constraint::Length(1), // Error message (if any)
.split(area.inner(&Margin {
horizontal: 2,
vertical: 1,
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Map width",
model.curr_field == EditingField::MapWidth,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::MapWidth as usize]);
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Map height",
model.curr_field == EditingField::MapHeight,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::MapHeight as usize]);
let editor = TextEditorWidget::new(
"Boats list",
.join("; "),
model.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsList,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::BoatsList as usize]);
let editor = CheckboxWidget::new(
"Boats can touch",
model.curr_field == EditingField::BoatsCanTouch,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::BoatsCanTouch as usize]);
let editor = CheckboxWidget::new(
"Player continue on hit",
model.curr_field == EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit,
f.render_widget(editor, chunks[EditingField::PlayerContinueOnHit as usize]);
// Buttons
let buttons_chunk = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)])
.split(chunks[EditingField::OK as usize]);
let button = ButtonWidget::new("Cancel", model.curr_field == EditingField::Cancel);
f.render_widget(button, buttons_chunk[0]);
let button = ButtonWidget::new("OK", model.curr_field == EditingField::OK)
f.render_widget(button, buttons_chunk[1]);
// Error message (if any)
if let Some(msg) = model.rules.get_errors().first() {
let area = centered_rect_size(msg.len() as u16, 1, chunks.last().unwrap());
let err = Paragraph::new(*msg).style(Style::default().fg(Color::Red));
f.render_widget(err, area);
@ -14,99 +14,103 @@ use crate::ui_screens::utils::centered_rect_size;
use crate::ui_screens::ScreenResult;
use crate::ui_widgets::button_widget::ButtonWidget;
struct ConfirmDialogScreen<'a> {
pub struct ConfirmDialogScreen<'a> {
title: &'a str,
msg: &'a str,
is_confirm: bool,
can_cancel: bool,
pub fn confirm_dialog<B: Backend>(
msg: &str,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<bool>> {
let mut model = ConfirmDialogScreen {
title: "Confirmation Request",
is_confirm: true,
can_cancel: false,
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| ui(f, &mut model))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') if model.can_cancel => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled)
// Toggle selected choice
KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Tab => {
model.is_confirm = !model.is_confirm
// Submit choice
KeyCode::Enter => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(model.is_confirm));
_ => {}
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
impl<'a> ConfirmDialogScreen<'a> {
pub fn new(msg: &'a str) -> Self {
Self {
title: "Confirmation Request",
is_confirm: true,
can_cancel: false,
fn ui<B: Backend>(f: &mut Frame<B>, model: &mut ConfirmDialogScreen) {
// Preprocess message
let lines = textwrap::wrap(model.msg, f.size().width as usize - 20);
let line_max_len = lines.iter().map(|l| l.len()).max().unwrap();
let area = centered_rect_size(line_max_len as u16 + 4, 5 + lines.len() as u16, &f.size());
let block = Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title(model.title);
f.render_widget(block, area);
// Create two chunks with equal horizontal screen space
let chunks = Layout::default()
Constraint::Length(lines.len() as u16),
.split(area.inner(&Margin {
horizontal: 2,
vertical: 1,
let text = lines
.map(|s| Spans::from(s.as_ref()))
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text);
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[0]);
// Buttons
let buttons_area = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref())
let cancel_button = ButtonWidget::new("Cancel", true).set_disabled(model.is_confirm);
f.render_widget(cancel_button, buttons_area[0]);
let ok_button = ButtonWidget::new("Confirm", true).set_disabled(!model.is_confirm);
f.render_widget(ok_button, buttons_area[1]);
pub fn show<B: Backend>(
mut self,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<bool>> {
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| self.ui(f))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') if self.can_cancel => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled)
// Toggle selected choice
KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Tab => {
self.is_confirm = !self.is_confirm
// Submit choice
KeyCode::Enter => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(self.is_confirm));
_ => {}
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
fn ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<B>) {
// Preprocess message
let lines = textwrap::wrap(self.msg, f.size().width as usize - 20);
let line_max_len = lines.iter().map(|l| l.len()).max().unwrap();
let area = centered_rect_size(line_max_len as u16 + 4, 5 + lines.len() as u16, &f.size());
let block = Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title(self.title);
f.render_widget(block, area);
// Create two chunks with equal horizontal screen space
let chunks = Layout::default()
Constraint::Length(lines.len() as u16),
.split(area.inner(&Margin {
horizontal: 2,
vertical: 1,
let text = lines
.map(|s| Spans::from(s.as_ref()))
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text);
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[0]);
// Buttons
let buttons_area = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref())
let cancel_button = ButtonWidget::new("Cancel", true).set_disabled(self.is_confirm);
f.render_widget(cancel_button, buttons_area[0]);
let ok_button = ButtonWidget::new("Confirm", true).set_disabled(!self.is_confirm);
f.render_widget(ok_button, buttons_area[1]);
@ -15,81 +15,88 @@ use crate::constants::{HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, TICK_RATE};
use crate::ui_screens::utils::centered_rect_size;
use crate::ui_screens::ScreenResult;
struct SelectPlayModeScreen {
pub struct SelectBotTypeScreen {
state: ListState,
curr_selection: usize,
types: Vec<BotDescription>,
pub fn select_bot_type<B: Backend>(
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<BotType>> {
let types = PlayConfiguration::default().bot_types;
let mut model = SelectPlayModeScreen {
state: Default::default(),
curr_selection: types.len() - 1,
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| ui(f, &mut model))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
KeyCode::Enter => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(model.types[model.curr_selection].r#type));
KeyCode::Down => model.curr_selection += 1,
KeyCode::Up => model.curr_selection += model.types.len() - 1,
_ => {}
model.curr_selection %= model.types.len();
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
impl Default for SelectBotTypeScreen {
fn default() -> Self {
let types = PlayConfiguration::default().bot_types;
Self {
state: Default::default(),
curr_selection: types.len() - 1,
fn ui<B: Backend>(f: &mut Frame<B>, model: &mut SelectPlayModeScreen) {
let area = centered_rect_size(60, model.types.len() as u16 * 2 + 2, &f.size());
impl SelectBotTypeScreen {
pub fn show<B: Backend>(
mut self,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<BotType>> {
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| self.ui(f))?;
// Create a List from all list items and highlight the currently selected one
let items = model
.map(|bot| {
let items = List::new(items)
.title("Select bot type")
.highlight_symbol(">> ");
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
f.render_stateful_widget(items, area, &mut model.state);
if event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
KeyCode::Enter => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(self.types[self.curr_selection].r#type));
KeyCode::Down => self.curr_selection += 1,
KeyCode::Up => self.curr_selection += self.types.len() - 1,
_ => {}
self.curr_selection %= self.types.len();
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
fn ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<B>) {
let area = centered_rect_size(60, self.types.len() as u16 * 2 + 2, &f.size());
// Create a List from all list items and highlight the currently selected one
let items = self
.map(|bot| {
let items = List::new(items)
.title("Select bot type")
.highlight_symbol(">> ");
f.render_stateful_widget(items, area, &mut self.state);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::constants::{HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, TICK_RATE};
use crate::ui_screens::utils::centered_rect_size;
use crate::ui_screens::ScreenResult;
use crossterm::event;
use crossterm::event::{Event, KeyCode};
use tui::backend::Backend;
@ -41,64 +42,69 @@ const AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES: [PlayModeDescription; 3] = [
struct SelectPlayModeScreen {
pub struct SelectPlayModeScreen {
state: ListState,
curr_selection: usize,
pub fn select_play_mode<B: Backend>(
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<SelectPlayModeResult> {
let mut model = SelectPlayModeScreen::default();
impl SelectPlayModeScreen {
pub fn show<B: Backend>(
mut self,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<SelectPlayModeResult>> {
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| self.ui(f))?;
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| ui(f, &mut model))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if crossterm::event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
KeyCode::Enter => {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(
KeyCode::Down => self.curr_selection += 1,
KeyCode::Up => self.curr_selection += AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES.len() - 1,
_ => {}
if crossterm::event::poll(timeout)? {
if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(SelectPlayModeResult::Exit),
KeyCode::Enter => return Ok(AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES[model.curr_selection].value),
KeyCode::Down => model.curr_selection += 1,
KeyCode::Up => model.curr_selection += AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES.len() - 1,
_ => {}
self.curr_selection %= AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES.len();
model.curr_selection %= AVAILABLE_PLAY_MODES.len();
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
fn ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<B>) {
let area = centered_rect_size(50, 5, &f.size());
// Create a List from all list items and highlight the currently selected one
.map(|mode| ListItem::new(Text::raw(
let items = List::new(items)
.title("Select play mode")
.highlight_symbol(">> ");
f.render_stateful_widget(items, area, &mut self.state);
fn ui<B: Backend>(f: &mut Frame<B>, model: &mut SelectPlayModeScreen) {
let area = centered_rect_size(50, 5, &f.size());
// Create a List from all list items and highlight the currently selected one
.map(|mode| ListItem::new(Text::raw(
let items = List::new(items)
.title("Select play mode")
.highlight_symbol(">> ");
f.render_stateful_widget(items, area, &mut model.state);
@ -17,216 +17,218 @@ use crate::ui_screens::utils::{centered_rect_size, centered_text};
use crate::ui_screens::ScreenResult;
use crate::ui_widgets::game_map_widget::{ColoredCells, GameMapWidget};
struct SetBotsLayoutScreen {
curr_boat: usize,
layout: BoatsLayout,
type CoordinatesMapper = HashMap<Coordinates, Coordinates>;
pub fn set_boat_layout<B: Backend>(
rules: &GameRules,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<BoatsLayout>> {
let mut model = SetBotsLayoutScreen {
curr_boat: 0,
layout: BoatsLayout::gen_random_for_rules(rules)
.expect("Failed to generate initial boats layout"),
let mut coordinates_mapper = CoordinatesMapper::default();
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
let mut is_moving_boat = false;
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| coordinates_mapper = ui(f, &mut model, rules))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if event::poll(timeout)? {
let mut move_boat = None;
let event = event::read()?;
if let Event::Key(key) = &event {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
// Select next boat
KeyCode::Char('n') => model.curr_boat += model.layout.number_of_boats() - 1,
// Rotate boat
KeyCode::Char('r') => {
model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].direction =
match model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].direction {
BoatDirection::Right => BoatDirection::Down,
_ => BoatDirection::Right,
// Move boat
KeyCode::Left => move_boat = Some((-1, 0)),
KeyCode::Right => move_boat = Some((1, 0)),
KeyCode::Up => move_boat = Some((0, -1)),
KeyCode::Down => move_boat = Some((0, 1)),
// Submit configuration
KeyCode::Enter => {
if model.layout.is_valid(rules) {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(model.layout));
_ => {}
model.curr_boat %= model.layout.number_of_boats();
// Apply boat move
if let Some((x, y)) = move_boat {
let new_pos = model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].start.add_x(x).add_y(y);
if new_pos.is_valid(rules) {
model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].start = new_pos;
// Mouse event
else if let Event::Mouse(mouse) = event {
let src_pos = Coordinates::new(mouse.column, mouse.row);
// Start mouse action
if MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) == mouse.kind {
is_moving_boat = if let Some(pos) = coordinates_mapper.get(&src_pos) {
if let Some(b) = model.layout.find_boat_at_position(*pos) {
model.curr_boat = model.layout.0.iter().position(|s| s == b).unwrap();
} else {
// Handle continue mouse action
else if is_moving_boat {
if let Some(pos) = coordinates_mapper.get(&src_pos) {
model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].start = *pos;
if let MouseEventKind::Up(_) = mouse.kind {
is_moving_boat = false;
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
pub struct SetBoatsLayoutScreen<'a> {
curr_boat: usize,
layout: BoatsLayout,
rules: &'a GameRules,
fn ui<B: Backend>(
f: &mut Frame<B>,
model: &mut SetBotsLayoutScreen,
rules: &GameRules,
) -> CoordinatesMapper {
let errors = model.layout.errors(rules);
// Color of current boat
let current_boat = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Green,
cells: model.layout.0[model.curr_boat].all_coordinates(),
// Color of invalid boats
let mut invalid_coordinates = vec![];
for (idx, pos) in {
if idx == model.curr_boat {
if !model
.check_present_boat_position(idx, rules)
invalid_coordinates.append(&mut pos.all_coordinates());
impl<'a> SetBoatsLayoutScreen<'a> {
pub fn new(rules: &'a GameRules) -> Self {
Self {
curr_boat: 0,
layout: BoatsLayout::gen_random_for_rules(rules)
.expect("Failed to generate initial boats layout"),
let invalid_boats = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Red,
cells: invalid_coordinates,
// Color of other boats
let mut other_boats_cells = vec![];
for boat in &model.layout.0 {
other_boats_cells.append(&mut boat.all_coordinates());
pub fn show<B: Backend>(
mut self,
terminal: &mut Terminal<B>,
) -> io::Result<ScreenResult<BoatsLayout>> {
let mut coordinates_mapper = CoordinatesMapper::default();
let mut last_tick = Instant::now();
let mut is_moving_boat = false;
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| coordinates_mapper = self.ui(f))?;
let timeout = TICK_RATE
.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(0));
if event::poll(timeout)? {
let mut move_boat = None;
let event = event::read()?;
if let Event::Key(key) = &event {
match key.code {
KeyCode::Char('q') => return Ok(ScreenResult::Canceled),
// Select next boat
KeyCode::Char('n') => self.curr_boat += self.layout.number_of_boats() - 1,
// Rotate boat
KeyCode::Char('r') => {
self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].direction =
match self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].direction {
BoatDirection::Right => BoatDirection::Down,
_ => BoatDirection::Right,
// Move boat
KeyCode::Left => move_boat = Some((-1, 0)),
KeyCode::Right => move_boat = Some((1, 0)),
KeyCode::Up => move_boat = Some((0, -1)),
KeyCode::Down => move_boat = Some((0, 1)),
// Submit configuration
KeyCode::Enter => {
if self.layout.is_valid(self.rules) {
return Ok(ScreenResult::Ok(self.layout));
_ => {}
self.curr_boat %= self.layout.number_of_boats();
// Apply boat move
if let Some((x, y)) = move_boat {
let new_pos = self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].start.add_x(x).add_y(y);
if new_pos.is_valid(self.rules) {
self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].start = new_pos;
// Mouse event
else if let Event::Mouse(mouse) = event {
let src_pos = Coordinates::new(mouse.column, mouse.row);
// Start mouse action
if MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) == mouse.kind {
is_moving_boat = if let Some(pos) = coordinates_mapper.get(&src_pos) {
if let Some(b) = self.layout.find_boat_at_position(*pos) {
self.curr_boat = self.layout.0.iter().position(|s| s == b).unwrap();
} else {
// Handle continue mouse action
else if is_moving_boat {
if let Some(pos) = coordinates_mapper.get(&src_pos) {
self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].start = *pos;
if let MouseEventKind::Up(_) = mouse.kind {
is_moving_boat = false;
if last_tick.elapsed() >= TICK_RATE {
last_tick = Instant::now();
let other_boats = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Gray,
cells: other_boats_cells,
fn ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<B>) -> CoordinatesMapper {
let errors = self.layout.errors(self.rules);
let mut coordinates_mapper = HashMap::new();
// Color of current boat
let current_boat = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Green,
cells: self.layout.0[self.curr_boat].all_coordinates(),
let mut legend = "n next boat \n\
// Color of invalid boats
let mut invalid_coordinates = vec![];
for (idx, pos) in {
if idx == self.curr_boat {
if !self
.check_present_boat_position(idx, self.rules)
invalid_coordinates.append(&mut pos.all_coordinates());
let invalid_boats = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Red,
cells: invalid_coordinates,
// Color of other boats
let mut other_boats_cells = vec![];
for boat in &self.layout.0 {
other_boats_cells.append(&mut boat.all_coordinates());
let other_boats = ColoredCells {
color: Color::Gray,
cells: other_boats_cells,
let mut coordinates_mapper = HashMap::new();
let mut legend = "n next boat \n\
r rotate boat \n\n\
← ↓↑ → move boat \n\n"
if errors.is_empty() {
legend.push_str("Enter confirm layout");
if errors.is_empty() {
legend.push_str("Enter confirm layout");
let mut game_map_widget = GameMapWidget::new(rules)
.set_default_empty_char(' ')
.set_title("Choose your boat layout")
.set_yield_func(|c, r| {
for i in 0..r.width {
for j in 0..r.height {
coordinates_mapper.insert(Coordinates::new(r.x + i, r.y + j), c);
let mut game_map_widget = GameMapWidget::new(self.rules)
.set_default_empty_char(' ')
.set_title("Choose your boat layout")
.set_yield_func(|c, r| {
for i in 0..r.width {
for j in 0..r.height {
coordinates_mapper.insert(Coordinates::new(r.x + i, r.y + j), c);
// Color of neighbors if boats can not touch
if !self.rules.boats_can_touch {
let mut boats_neighbors_cells = vec![];
for boat in &self.layout.0 {
for pos in boat.neighbor_coordinates(self.rules) {
// Color of neighbors if boats can not touch
if !rules.boats_can_touch {
let mut boats_neighbors_cells = vec![];
for boat in &model.layout.0 {
for pos in boat.neighbor_coordinates(rules) {
game_map_widget = game_map_widget.add_colored_cells(ColoredCells {
color: Color::Rgb(30, 30, 30),
cells: boats_neighbors_cells,
let (w, h) = game_map_widget.estimated_size();
let area = centered_rect_size(w, h, &f.size());
f.render_widget(game_map_widget, area);
if !errors.is_empty() {
let messages = ["INVALID_LAYOUT", errors[0]];
for (i, msg) in messages.iter().enumerate() {
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(*msg).style(Style::default().fg(Color::Red));
&Rect::new(f.size().x, area.bottom() + i as u16, f.size().width, 1),
game_map_widget = game_map_widget.add_colored_cells(ColoredCells {
color: Color::Rgb(30, 30, 30),
cells: boats_neighbors_cells,
let (w, h) = game_map_widget.estimated_size();
let area = centered_rect_size(w, h, &f.size());
f.render_widget(game_map_widget, area);
if !errors.is_empty() {
let messages = ["INVALID_LAYOUT", errors[0]];
for (i, msg) in messages.iter().enumerate() {
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(*msg).style(Style::default().fg(Color::Red));
&Rect::new(f.size().x, area.bottom() + i as u16, f.size().width, 1),
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